at purdue

Ok, so it snowed like crazy here couple of weeks ago, and when the sun came out finally, the snow was starting to melt a bit - but, the sidewalks and the roads are stilled covered with ice, so as I was walking looking down all the while, making sure I wouldn't slip on the ice(I slipped once), I noticed this small patch of water, and I saw that there were so many reflections of the sun in it - almost like a collection of stars - so I pulled out my camera and took this pic - yeah, the water was muddy, but it still has a natural feel to it - you can find beauty even in the muddiest of waters!!!

We had a foggy morning one fine day and I stepped out of the house to catch my bus, but I didn't want to miss out on this opportunity - I ran back inside and got my camera out and took this pic. I find it very dream-like --Just imagine your favorite person (could be your best friend, your mom/dad/bro/sis/etc.) coming out of the fog and both of you meeting under the tree...
Oh! it just takes my breath away!!!
PS - I caught the next bus to college :)