A thing of beauty is a joy forever - John Keats
More snow@Purdue

In front of my apt. complex...

One reason I like it when it snows - It is fun walking on snow and crushing it beneath your feet..

From the window in our living room - yeah, we live on the ground floor...It's ok, not too bad, considering that it is better than living on the top floor in the summer...
Chocolate Cake in a heart

Yup - I made the cake (my first one ever!!) using a cake mix and all...

Just to say that i made it with my own hands...
LOL - naaaaaah - anything for a good photo, like holding it with one hand and taking the pic with the other ...

Cannot get enough of this, as you can see...
Please read...
I cannot help but post this here - coz this is my most frequented blog...
5 ppl I know of died in the last 2 months, 4 of them in the last 2 weeks - all due to car accidents...
Whatever the reason may have been, hearing about so many deaths in a short time is a lil' spooky and of these 5 ppl, 3 of them were recent graduates, just started working...
So, I was forced to post this here - Dear reader, who ever you may be, pls drive safely, wear a seat-belt all the time, don't drive in unfamiliar climatic conditions and don't drive in cars without airbags and don't drive when exhausted...Nothing can be more important than your life...
I am still trying to wear out this shock - I don't need no shocks no more...
Blue and green..
Another interesting subject...
Jus' thought it looked interesting...

my hair-dryer, which I've never used until now ;)

Seems to have been made for a good pic...
Red in the Rain...

Williamsburg on the Wabash - place where I stay