A thing of beauty is a joy forever - John Keats
Leaves in various stages of changing colors

Onset of Fall - 2

Onset of Fall - 1

From the same plant

We see so much of contrast in nature - beautiful rose with thorns, etc. Why is it so difficult for us to then accept people as they are, if they are a little different from us? Why do we have this conflict ruining our peace of mind? You don't see plants cribbing abt it...
You might say that we do it coz we are human beings and we have a mind (which, I have been led to believe, also makes us superior, but don't get me started on that)...Our mind is the bane of our existence...too many expectations, anxieties, worries, miseries - and this is called life...!!!!
Why can't people live in harmony with each other?
(Disclaimer: I was not in a depressed state when I wrote this - I was just thinking about the wars in Iraq and Lebanon, among other things - so don't misinterpret my thoughts to mean something else :) )
Interesting to look at :)
"Country Roads - take me home..." - John Denver :)
Church on Chauncey Ave.
my spider - found it the next morning at the same time, same place :)
generally loitering...
the bee who wants it all....

This bee would jump from one flower to another as fast as possible, sucking every flower completely...looks like someone was very hungry, early in the morning :)


my monarch butterfly is dying...

I went out with my camera first thing in them morning to look for subjects (it is not everyday that I get such an opportunity) and as I was returning back, I saw the monarch butterfly on the sidewalk. I was happy and clicked a few pics, but on coming closer, I found that it was actually in an immobilised state - I think one of it's legs was broken!!! I was horrified, but bulbed at the same time. I did not know what to do!!! I picked it up and put it on the grass - a safer place compared to the sidewalk. As I watched it, absolutely bulbed, I saw it dragging itself on one leg, one step at a time, reaching out to a blade of grass. I was amazed - it was so overwhelming for me...this little creature, has so much willpower to try to live - I was filled with so much of admiration ... I placed a few flowers beside it, hoping it would revive itself by drinking the nectar...
I do hope it does not die soon...
Contd. from before - the day has passed, the flowers have been crushed upon, the butterfly has become worm food.
What happens next?
hiding behind the leaves

I loved the light falling on the sparrow...
sparrow - just checking things out :)
caught on camera!!! yay!!!

Chasing Butterflies

Every morning, when I stand at the bus-stop, waiting for the bus, I see these Monarch butterflies doing their thing, and I sigh each time coz they always elude me when I am with my camera. But today, finally, perseverance has paid off and I was able to shoot them. Yay!!!!
Art of Living

Ok...so my friends in the Art of Living were having a concert for a fund-raiser, the proceeds of which go to the International Association for Human Values(www.iahv.org). They had a look at my blog and asked me if I would mind printing a few of them as greeting cards and selling them to raise money for charity. I was delighted!!! So, these are a few of the greeting cards we printed out...