A thing of beauty is a joy forever - John Keats

The Fountain at the Wheeling Temple...

At the Wheeling Temple...

At one of the temples we visited in Pittsburg...This one was similar to an Isckon temple...it was beautiful...

At the Wheeling Temple again...

In front of Gopi's house...

On the way to PIttsburg...

Near one of the temples in Pittsburg - I forget which one it is...

The Niagara falls

Succelent and colorful !!
Dead Man Walking...
So, I just watched this movie "Dead Man Walking" and was just blown away!!! Thanks to Tim Robbins for this excellent movie. I have absolutely no words for Susan Saradon's acting skills. Man, she is one woman who can act. I don't mean to be rude here, but I feel that she is the only actress in Hollywood who knows what acting is all about !!! She is just awesome!! For those of you who haven't seen the movie, I must recommend it to you. It is not a horror flick, as I originally imagined it to be ;-) Tim Robbins is simply great - he can act, I loved him in Shawshank Redemption, he also directed this movie !!!After watching this movie, I started thinking about capital punishment and whether it is a necessary evil or not? Any thoughts or comments about it, anyone?

Moss...I think !

Crinkled leaf and Rain drops...

Washed by rain..
Just cannot resist putting them all up...

An approaching Thunderstorm - look at the contrast in the sky in the first pic - Amazing!
What is it that draws us to green colored natural things? We long to visit Green hill-stations, green farms bring joy to the observer, we long for spring to arrive after a white, barren winter - there are so many other colors - what is it in green that has this magnetism and one feels content enjoying it?

Washed by rain...
All from the same tree...

The Purdue Mall - The fountain is back!!! and the Bell Tower...


Strength vs. Vulnerability ; Hard vs. Tender ; Dull vs. Bright
- Contrasts in Nature...
Orange is a symbol of strength and endurance.

...once more.

Green Purdue campus...

Shades of green.

light, shadows, short trunk and branches