A thing of beauty is a joy forever - John Keats
A B'day gift from a friend :-)
When you rotate the handle, it plays the Happy B'day song :-)

Part of the Purdue Mall...

The Bell tower - a closer look.

Bell tower against the blue sky...

Oops! Missed it...!

Going after it...!

Spot the birdie...!

Having fun near the Purdue Mall...

Got it !!!

Chicken Lego ?

The Red Elephant

Where is Popeye, the sailor man? Toot! Toot!

A Painted House ?

Just can't get enough of them...

I love them all !!!


colors of light


Spot the birdie !!!

Playing around with Photoshop again...did a good job though, right?

Took the pics long time ago...posting them now...very lazy nowadays...

Near the Purdue Mall - taken in Fall - so beautiful - Oh! when is spring going to come ???

I don't know what these are supposed to be, but I like the look of this picture :-)

Playing with my camera...What do I call it? Study of a sphere? Playing with light? Ughhh....!!!